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April 22, 2024

TCL-developed masterplan comes to life at Adelaide park

TCL’s vision is nearing its realisation, as construction company CATCON continues to revitalise the park via the landscape studio’s detailed masterplan.

Adopted by Adelaide City Council in 2022, the masterplan seeks to enhance the lake and surrounds, create an inclusive playspace, strengthen existing event spaces and create new ones, improve entrances and pathways, reinforce the landscape character and features of the park, and create a place of reflection.

Construction kicked off in 2023, with works centring around the redesign of the lake, which is now filled with stormwater collected from Victoria Park/Pakapakanthi. Self-cleaning rain gardens have also been introduced.

New weirs and pathways have also been created. The project has been a collaborative effort undertaken by TCL, DesignFlow, FMG Engineering and CATCON on behalf of Adelaide City Council. 

When complete, the site will become an accommodating park for visitors of all abilities accessed throughout day and night, thanks to new lighting installations. The park’s upgrade was made possibly via Council funding and the Open Space Grant program.

The park is due to reach completion later this year.


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