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May 16, 2024

New architecture technologies for advanced building design

Architectural expression and evolution have always been wedded to changes in technology. This current moment offers myriad new directions for the discipline, thanks to new developments in manufacturing technology, computing power, digital visuals, and robotics.

1. Building Information Modeling (BIM)

One of the foundational programs behind the digital revolution in architecture, building information modeling (BIM) lets architects capture real-world locations and landscapes and create 3D digital plans, enabling better collaboration with engineers and coworkers. Tools such as Autodesk BIM 360 and Autodesk Build also allow architects to place their plans through numerous simulations and test real-world scenarios.

2. Big data and digital twins

Taking BIM one step further, architects, engineers, and building operators use digital twins to create a dynamic digital replica of an existing structure via big data rendering and real-time incorporation of sensor data. This carbon copy unlocks untold scenario tests, including measuring the impact of design changes and renovations and optimizing energy usage and HVAC systems. The vast volume of data that’s collected and analyzed by these models can inform future building designs, aiding smart city initiatives that can improve the efficiency and sustainability of entire neighborhoods.

3. Artificial intelligence

What if any design question could be answered by a computer? What’s the most sustainable, material-light way to design this roof? What’s the best apartment interior layout, based on thousands of previous designs? What’s the right price or bid for construction materials?

That’s the current reality for architects and engineers, thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, which can take oversize data sets and, with the right prompt, find efficient design solutions. These powerful logic models can take the seed of an idea and create a garden of possibilities, from planned developments maximized for green space and energy efficiency to construction sites where material orders, deviations from blueprints, and safety issues are automated and overseen by AI. AI can also help evaluate potential build sites, saving developers weeks or months of research.

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